Getting Started Guide.

How do I Add New Subscribed Feeds (and Remove unwanted ones)?

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       Big Screen Headlines 2 directly accesses your Internet Explorer (IE) Subscriber Feed system - so
         you can add, remove and manage your subscribed feeds from the existing features provided
         within Internet Explorer.

         To subscribe to a feed - simply navigate to the appropriate URL in Internet Exploreer and it will provide a link
         titled "Subscribe to this feed"  at the top of the page (if it is recognized as an RSS feed). When you click this link -
         you'll be asked which Subscriber feed folder to place it in - and once completed - it will be added to the list of
         subscribed feeds.

        Once subscribed - a new link will be displayed (on right hand side of page) titled 'View feed properties...'.

        Clicking this link will allow you to configure the update settings for the feed. (which may be set to automatically update
        by a nominated schedule). You can also elect to automatically download the enclosed media to your local system in
        the background (which uses the BITS download service built into Windows).

         When using Internet Explorer - these features can also be managed via the 'Feeds' tab in the "Favorites Center"
         Toolbar (or you can quickly open this tab by pressing Ctlr-Shift-J).


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