Getting Started Guide.

How do I Force the Cached Feeds to be updated?

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       The Cached Feeds are updated every 30 minutes by the Feed Synchronization Tool. However, if
         you wish to force an update - (so you could view these new feeds on an Extender without waiting for the
         next update cycle) - you can manually run the synchronization tool.

         To force an update subscribe - click your Windows Start Menu - and navigate to the folder
         All Programs | Big Screen | Headlines 2 
program folder and click the 'Headlines 2 Feed Synchronization Tool'
Icon - and full update/scan will be run (the time taken to complete this scan/rebuild will depend on the size of your
         subscriber feed update - and may take up to 10-20 seconds to complete).

        Once complete - you will be able to view any updated content via Headlines 2 (including all extender users). You may
        need to exit and reload Headlines 2 (if it was running before the forced update was completed).

        Please also see the installed Release Notes File for more detailed information on the Synchronization Tool.


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