Getting Started Guide.

How do I add support for additional codecs - such as Apple Quicktime and Flash Video? (not available on extenders)?

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       If you are running Big Screen Headlines 2 on a standard media center pc - you have the ability to add support
         for additional video and audio codecs (which will allow you to view . (Note that this does not add any additional
         support on Media Center Extenders - whos codecs are determined by the installed firmware on the device.)

         Video + Audio support is determined by the available Directshow Video/Audio Playback filters
(which can be tested
         by their ability to playback content in Windows Media Player).

         You can install additional 3rd party Codec packs to enable a range of other playback formats in Vista/7 Media Center
         (including popular formats such as DivX, XVid, MKV, MP4/H.264, Quicktime/MP, FLV and more). We recommend you
         view the following blogpost by Chris Lanier : for
         some information on installing additional codecs. 

         Please ensure that you enable the 'Additional Codec Support' option in Headlines 2's inbuilt device settings menu - '   
         otherwise the additional codecs may be filtered out.

         Please also see the installed Release Notes File for more detailed information on Subscriber Feeds.


Please visit our online FAQ if you require further assistance - or Contact Us via Email.