Getting Started Guide.

How Do I Activate this Product so my Trial Period / or Registration begins?

<< Return to the Getting Started Menu.

       a. When you load a Big Screen product for the first time (normally after Installation)
            you will be presented with a screen asking you to Activate the product.

           NB : Activation allows you to inform our server that you wish to start using your
           software and allocated Serial Number - and means that your Trial or
           Subscription (if relevant) should commence.


       b. Click on the 'begin' button
(see above) - and the product will contact our online
           Registration server and download your license information. (and will display the
           'Downloading' page while this is occuring.)

          NB: Your Internet Connection Should be Active/Available at this point otherwise
                  this step will fail. If you receive any Firewall notices - please unblock these
                  so that this step can complete.


       c. Once this Download/Check is complete
- a Completion message will indicate
            whether the operation completely successfully or not (and inform you of
             the status of your license).

         NB: If your product has expired / or your Serial Number was invalid - you may
                 not be able to proceed to the product's Main Menu until you have entered
                 a valid Serial Number (which has been 'Upsized') or purchased a New One..



Please visit our online FAQ if you require further assistance - or Contact Us via Email.