Troubleshooting : Resolving loadmxf.exe errors during an Import.
When processing of your EPG import fails (or your
Media Center EPG doesn't appear to be updating as
expected) - you should run a 'test' import from the
Big Screen EPG Configuration program and observe
what information is displayed in the log window (or
in the Console window) - so you can better identify
what has gone wrong.
Then - if you can see an
error being reported (in this console window) - have a look
for some of the most commonly reported problems below (as
this may offer some further insight as to what is causing it
- and what steps you may be able to take to get yourself
back up and running).
: You receive an Error Messsage 'Error Generating MXF File :
Reference to undeclared entity 'XXXX'. Line XXXX, position
XX.' when running an import.
Solution : This
error indicates that your source XMLTV file has invalid XML
metadata (such as undeclared entities) within it. This is
known to occur on XMLTV Feeds which are scraped from HTML
sources - such as Digiguide or RadioTimes UK and some
others. In order to fix this - you may need to use the
BSXFIX command line
tool (available from the Big Screen EPG Download Page) to
'clean up' your XMLTV file before it can be imported. This
tool can perform the actual HTTP download of the XMLTV file
- and then write out the 'fixed' version to your local
harddrive - and you'd then configure Big Screen EPG to point
to this local file instead of the online HTTP source.
As this is a command line tool - you can then add this new
'Action' into your BSEPG Scheduled Task (prior to the
bsetool.exe action) - so it always runs just before an
import - or you can alternatively add a new scheduled task
which runs *before* your Big Screen EPG scheduled task.
: You receive an error message 'Error Importing your MXF
File : An Error Occurred while running loadmxf against
generated data!'
Solution : This
problem indicates there was an issue when importing your
generated MXF File (Located in %ProgramData%\Big
Screen\EPG\bse-epgdata.mxf) to Media Center.
There is a few reasons why
this can happen - and you should observe the % failed value
to get a better idea of what is happening.
If your
loadMXF Failed % is a very low value (ie. <20%) :
this can indicate that your MCEPG-*.db database is actually
corrupted (for some unknown reason) - and further indication
of this is that your 7MC EPG is very slow to load or crashes
ehshell.exe (when accessing EPG inside Media Center).
Unfortunately - the only known fix for this at this time is
to do a MCE DB Reset - and basically start again (which will
return you to 'first run' state in Media Center and require
you to retune your channels/setup your TV Sources). If that
doesn't work you might be required to reinstall Windows 7.
Note that if you are doing a MCE DB Reset - your BSEPG
configuration /settings file (importsettings.xml) will
remain intact - so you shouldn't need to reconfigure BSEPG
after a reset (only rerun it once you've setup your
If your
loadMXF Failed % is ~80%-90% : This indicates there's
actually an issue in the MXF file generated by Big Screen
EPG. At time of writing (v1.0beta) - there are not any
known issues/bugs which would cause this problem - and you
should report this issue so that it can be addressed/fixed
if need be. (NB: Earlier beta versions of Big Screen EPG
had various issues with 'auto correcting' corrupt/invalid
XMLTV metadata which should now be fixed). If you do find
errors occurring on specific channels - you can temporarily
disable the offending channel from the Big Screen EPG source
while you wait for a solution. You should also contact the
XMLTV provider person/company/author and notify them of this
problem (as it's likely they are publishing some invalid
data which can be fixed on their end).
If your
loadMXF failed % is ~97% (and may also report message
'mergedLineup.LineupMergeRule is null') : This
indicates you've not yet setup your TV sources (or tuned in
your channels) - and no 'default channel lineup' exists in
Media Center. To fix this you should setup your TV Channels
in Media Center TV Setup - and ensure you can at least tune
in/ watch live TV. (as you cannot import EPG data with Big
Screen EPG until this is done and at least one valid TV
Tuner/Source is present).
: No EPG Data appears to be getting imported.
Solution : There
are many reasons why this can happen - however the first
thing to check is that you are actually getting some valid
EPG data coming through from the file. When Big Screen EPG
is processing your XMLTV file - it will report the number of
programs/series/channels etc it located (which fall within
valid date ranges) - as indicated in the log message such as
- this tells you how many entries were found. If any of
these figures are '0' (or indicate very low numbers) then
that is a telltale sign there is something wrong with your
XMLTV source (as a general rule - you should be getting
anywhere from 20-300 schedule entries per each channel you
: EPG data is not appearing in the Media Center EPG after a
successful import / channel logos are not appearing.
Solution : There's
a lot of different reasons for this (and deserves a seperate
troubleshooting post) - however the first point of call is
to make sure your Big Screen EPG Listings have actually been
mapped to Tuned channels in Media Center. Please see the Big
Screen EPG help file (Installed with Big Screen EPG) and
follow the appropriate step by step guides to ensure your
channels are actually mapped (and that you aren't in fact
looking at EIT/Inband EPG data instead). You can further
test this by looking at the EPG data that does come up (if
present) and comparing it to the actual epg data in your
XMLTV File (ie. checking that descriptions and episode
titles are the same).
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