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 The ultimate 3rd Party EPG Importer for Windows 7/8 Media Center
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FAQ: Where can I get XMLTV Data from?

Due to the copyrighted nature of EPG data (and various restrictions and copyright  on 'republishing' this data which differs from country to country) - mobilewares.net / bigscreenglobal.com does not supply or provide XMLTV data for this product - and instead provides the tools to work with them.


A prerequisite to using Big Screen EPG is that you have access to one (or more) valid XMLTV source(s) - which contains the appropriate EPG data for the Live TV Channels you are watching via Media Center.As noted above - whilst mobilewares.net cannot directly provide you with this EPG data - the following list of possible sources may help you get started.
These XMLTV sources generally work in two ways - some of these sources may require that you run some form of downloadable tool (or script) supplied by them in order to output the xmltv data onto your system - and others may provide a direct HTTP link which you can point Big Screen EPG.  If you need to run some form of tool to get the XMLTV - then you may need to create a separate 'Scheduled Task' in order to do this just prior to running Big Screen EPG (or you can alternatively modify the Big Screen EPG tool's auto created Scheduled Task to include additional 'actions' which run before Big Screen EPG bsetool.exe is called).

Big Screen EPG also provides a downloadable 'preset' catalog of XMLTV sources when you are using the Add Provider Wizard (which may save you finding a feed). This preset catalog will be maintained over time (so new xmltv providers may be added/removed from time to time). Please see the Big Screen EPG Help File Topic : Using the ‘Add Provider Wizard’ for more information.

Note : these links below (and those supplied in the Preset Catalog are provided purely as a guide - and mobilewares.net provides no guarantee of the data quality, stability or accuracy of any information relating to any of them. (and some of these may no longer be available by the time you are reading this help document).








Home of the XMLTV Specification and also provides Perl/Script based XMLTV grabbers for a number of countries/regions including :
Belgium and Luxembourg, Brazil, Argentina, Britain and Ireland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Europe, Finland, France, Hungary and Romania, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, North America, Norway, Portugal, Reunion Island (France), Slovenia, South, Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland




A downloadable utility which downloads xmltv listings from various online services for US and Canada - other countries are supported but don't have metadata that is as rich/comprehensive (ie. UK users may be better off using RadioTimes or Digiguide instead of mc2xml). If using this utility (which is provided/developed by a 3rd party not associated with bigscreenglobal.com or mobilewares.net), you are advised to check if you have permission to use the content you have downloaded.


  EPG Collector
This tool will extract XMLTV format EPG files for various OTA (over the air) protocols including MHEG5 (used by Freeview in Australia + NZ), OpenTV (Foxtel Aust, Sky NZ and SkyB UK) and EIT (Multiple Locations). This tool (starting with v2.0.16) will also output special Unique Series/Episode ID's from the transmitted CRID (Content Reference ID's) which can be used with the latest version of Big Screen EPG (v1.0b and onwards).


This tool will scrape your OTA (over the air) tv signals for DVB-T/S/C sources (where EIT/Inband schedule data is being transmitted) - and then output it into a XMLTV format file. This tool can be used as a last resort option if you can't get EPG data from anywhere else - however due to the limitations of the EIT specification (which doesn't have a dedicated fields for Episode Title or Repeat Flags) - using this for accurate TV Series recordings may be a little more challenging.
Note that you would need to stop the Media Center Windows Services (which use a Tuner) in order to correctly use this tool.



(online feed)

Pre Compiled XMLTV feed for FTA Australia TV. Metadata is sourced from oztivo + various other places and timeshifted for your selected region (all freeview regions supported).
Additional feed is provided for Shopping, Community and DVB-T Radio.

No Registration is required for Big Screen EPG Users (use your license key as your username when setting up via add provider wizard).


OzTivo Guide
(online feed/application)

Provides raw EPG Data for most FTA and PayTV channels in Australia - and is maintained by the OzTivo Community.
Note that a 3rd party tools are required to download and compile these listings into an XMLTV file which is usable by Big Screen EPG.

visit http://www.oztivo.net (to sign up for access)
and also http://freepg.tv  (mentioned above) to get already compiled feeds

New Zealand

(online feed)

Provides xmltv EPG data for New Zealand FTA and Paytv systems
(Note: Site Down at time of writing)


(online feed)

Provides xmltv EPG data for New Zealand FTA TV Channels



(online feed/application)

Provides xmltv EPG data for United Kingdom


(online feed/application)

Paid Service - provides xmltv EPG data for United Kingdom


Denmark ONTV
(online feed)
Paid EPG Service for Danish TV
Europe EPGS.com
(online feed)
Paid EPG Service for Norway, Sweden and numerous other European countries
http://en.epgs.com/ (English)
http://no.epgs.com/ (Norway)
http://se.epgs.com/ (Sweden)

If you are a provider of XMLTV data - and you wish to have your service listed in the above table/help file (and optionally in the Feed Preset inside Big Screen EPG) - please contact us at support@bigscreenglobal.com and let us know.

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