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 The ultimate 3rd Party EPG Importer for Windows 7/8 Media Center
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FAQ: Changing Previously Imported EPG Metadata with new Metadata?

The 'load MXF' functionality provide by Windows Media Center (and used by Big Screen EPG) is unfortunately quite 'unforgiving' when trying to do major changes to the data you are importing.  In some cases Media Center will simply refuse to change the existing metadata (in it's internal database) - and you may have to wait for the EPG data to 'cycle out' (which might include waiting for that program's date to elapse) - before you can see your updated data.
This might include scenarios such as :

· Adding (and Removing) XMLTV Providers (or changing the source feeds they are coming from).
· Using Big Screen EPG after you have already used another MXF Importer or EIT/MS Downloaded EPG
· Attempting to modify Unique Series and Program Matching Settings per existing provider. (NB: This ability is actually blocked in the Big Screen UI).
· Importing Updated EPG data which has slightly different Programme and Episode Titles, Descriptions and other Meta Data
· Changing Sources used for various Channels
· Accidentally allowing Inband/EIT data to be loaded in and merged with your existing EPG Data.
· Changing other 'Advanced' settings in Media Center such as Language/Movie/Metadata matching settings.
· Updating Channel Logo's / Callsigns / Affiliate settings after they are already in use.

Problems you may then face (from doing any of the above) may include :

· Scheduled Series and Program Recordings may not work as expected (as internal ID's for these records might actually have changed)
· Program Entries may not update at all to reflect your new EPG Data. (ie. Descriptions/Episode Titles will not change even though you've changed the XMLTV source files)
· Various other unexpected/unpredictable problems with Metadata may occur.

As such - it's really important that you try to decide/lock down your Big Screen EPG settings during setting up your Media Center system - and then not change them afterwards.
Certain scenarios such as adding brand new channels and sources (such as adding IPTV after you have setup livetv) , applying new channel logos (which have different filenames) - should not be a problem - and are expected actions you would perform with an existing Media Center setup. (as PayTV and FTA channel lineups may regularly change as more content/channels are offered or branding is updated).

However - if you are unsure about whether your changes are causing problems /or/ you are using Big Screen EPG for the first time (after using other EPG sources) - then you may need to reset your Media Center database so you are 100% sure you are not 'importing' or 'retaining' existing data from your previous configuration.

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