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Troubleshooting : Some/All Guide Data or Channel Logos are Missing from my Windows Media Center EPG?

If you believe you have successfully run an Import of your XMLTV data to Media Center without any noticeable errors (using the Big Screen EPG Tool)  - but you still aren't seeing this EPG data appearing in Media Center - please see the following sections to see what steps you may be able to take.


Problem : EPG data is not appearing in the Media Center EPG after a successful import / channel logos are not appearing.

Solution : There's a lot of different reasons why this can be happening - however the first point of call is to make sure your Big Screen EPG Listings have actually been mapped to Tuned channels in Media Center.
Please see the Help File Topic "Applying your New Listings to Channels in Media Center" in this help file and follow the appropriate step by step guides to ensure your channels are actually mapped (and that you aren't in fact looking at EIT/Inband EPG data instead). You can further test this by looking at the EPG data that does come up (if present) and comparing it to the actual epg data in your XMLTV File (ie. checking that descriptions and episode titles are the same).


Problem : No EPG Data appears to be getting imported.

Solution : There are also many reasons why this can happen - however the first thing to check is that you are actually getting some valid EPG data coming through from the file. When Big Screen EPG is processing your XMLTV file - it will report the number of programs/series/channels etc it located (which fall within valid date ranges) - as indicated in the log message such as 'channels=389/scheduleentries=149924/programs=123010/series=1335:11111' - this tells you how many entries were found. If any of these figures are '0' (or indicate very low numbers) then that is a telltale sign there is something wrong with your XMLTV source (as a general rule - you should be getting anywhere from 20-300 schedule entries per each channel you have).

Problem : The EPG Data being displayed doesn't seem to be the same as what I've imported.

Solution : In some cases - you may in fact may not be viewing your imported data - and in fact looking at Inband EPG Data (EIT data which has been delivered 'Over The Air') - or data provided by Microsoft's EPG Download servers. If this is the case - you need to correctly map your new imported listings to your channel (see Help File  topic "Applying your New Listings to Channels in Media Center"  ) - and/or you may also need to disable your Inband Data to stop it overwriting your mapped listings (see help file topic Ignoring Inband Schedule Data ).
Hint : If you are unsure if you are actually looking at your imported EPG data or just viewing existing Inband or MS Downloaded EPG Data - try comparing the program descriptions in your xmltv file to those in your Media Center EPG. If they are different - then this is a surefire way to confirm you're not actually viewing the correct data.   Another telltale sign that you may be looking at Inband EPG data (instead of Big Screen EPG imported data) - is that you won't see any seperate 'Episode Titles' when browsing TV Series your EPG.

Hint :
If you are unsure if you are actually looking at your imported EPG data or just viewing existing Inband or MS Downloaded EPG Data - try comparing the program descriptions in your xmltv file to those in your Media Center EPG. If they are different - then this is a surefire way to confirm you're not actually viewing the correct data.  
Another sign that you may be looking at Inband EPG data (instead of Big Screen EPG imported data) - is that you won't see any separate 'Episode Titles' when browsing TV Series your EPG (and you may get a very short/unhelpful Title, Description or lack of metadata about the show). This is because the EIT Specification only actually allows for very basic Program information to be transmitted (and doesn't contain the metadata richness you can get using XMLTV sourced data).


Problem : My Channel Logos aren't appearing in Media Center.

Solution : Channel Logo's may not be appearing in your Media Center EPG for a number reasons. Assuming you have correctly setup Channel Logos (see the Help File topic Using Channel Logos, Preset Directory and Auto Matching ) - please see below for some of the possible causes and troubleshooting steps you can take :

· Ensure that your newly provided EPG data is actually being imported to Media Center : Channel Logo's (that you have nominated with Big Screen EPG) will only appear in your Media Center EPG if the associated  program listing has been correctly imported to Media Center and appropriately mapped to existing 'Tuned' channels in Media Center. In some cases - you may in fact may not be seeing your imported data - and in fact looking at Inband EPG Data (EIT data which has been delivered 'Over The Air') - or data provided by Microsoft's EPG Download servers.  Please see the section above ("Problem : The EPG Data being displayed doesn't seem to be the same as what I've Imported") - for some more help/hints on how to figure out if you are actually looking at your imported data or not. If this is the case - you need to correctly map your new imported listings to your channel and then your nominated Channel Logo (for that channel) should then be displayed.
· Ensure your Channel Logos are in the correct Format / Resolution :  Media Center requires that your logos are saved (or available via http) in either .JPG or .PNG format. Currently other formats (such as .GIF and .BMP) are not known to be supported and may not display inside Media Center (even though they may be viewable in the Configuration Tool).
· Ensure that no restrictive File/Security Permissions are set on the Directory or logo file(s) to be displayed : As Media Center may be running under an account which only has basic permissions or low security (ie. if running via an Extender - the account being used will likely have only Guest access) - it's important that you ensure that no restrictive file permissions are in place preventing the file from being read by Media Center. To make sure this is not the cause of your problems - you may want to attempt to access the logo files from a browser (or other login) - and to be sure you can set directory/file security on the logos to allow read access to 'Everyone'.
Note: Even though you may be able to correctly view your logo's in Big Screen EPG Configuration Tool - this does not mean these files can be accessed by Media Center (as the Configuration tool is run using Administrative/Elevated Privileges).

Further Troubleshooting of Big Screen EPG Problems

If you are having problems processing one or more of your XMLTV file(s) - and are unable to complete the import or test generation process using the Configuration Tool - please see the following topic :
PROBLEM: I'm unable to parse my XMLTV file...
If you are experiencing problems such as loadmxf.exe errors - please see the following topic :
PROBLEM: Troubleshooting loadMXF.exe Errors during an Import


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